Saturday, March 16, 2013

Antimaterial World

Antimaterial World
The antimaterial particle (soul) is within the material body. Because of the presence of this antimaterial particle, the material body is progressively changing from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth to old age, after which the antimaterial particle leaves the old, unworkable body and takes up another material body. Matter itself has no creative power. When it is manipulated by the living energy, material things are produced. The antimaterial particle is finer than the finest of material particles. This living force is so powerful than its influence all over the material body. In comparison to the material particle, and consequently it cannot be destroyed. The antimaterial particle, however, is never created, and consequently it is never annihilated. But when the material universe is annihilated, the antimaterial universe exists in all circumstance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Book: Easy Journey to Other Planets~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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